Perfect wine drinking occasions

We live in a time and age where everyone is busy playing ‘catch up’. While our moments of joy, sorrow, anger and peace, sometimes, they only get better with wine. Here’s our list of 10 moments that are redefined with wine.

1. Diwali, Christmas, New Year and all such dinners
Lights, good food, and all that jazz. Wine is not your guests only. It’s more for you, for over. Have a generous swig, throw your open door and let the festivities and small talk begin!

2. Formal dos
Colleagues from all across the globe, whom you have only known through emails are now under one roof. Guest speakers, your boss, your boss’s boss and the likes are hovering around the bar and you can’t help but thank god for wine.

P.S.- Always ignore beer at formal gatherings. Opt for something classy!

3. The lone me-time
At the end of a long day when the mind and body are pooped, all you want is a moment of quiet. Take a deep breath, heavy a long sigh and take a sip of that much needed solace.

4. Dates. Yes, dates!
His place, her place or at the world’s most romantic place. The only constant on a date is wine.

5. Cooking
What if we told you that wine became an ingredient only after the chef spilled it in by mistake? Fortunately for the chef, the food tasted even better. Pastas or cakes, wine makes for great company while cooking and is the secret ingredient of many a fabulous dish.

6. Screen time
Let’s be honest. We can’t spend a spare moment without staring at a screen. Binge watching of shows, movie marathons, online shopping, browsing on Pinterest or stalking on Facebook are all made better with wine. (Please note: Keep the glass way out of reach when stalking exes)

7. Attending A Wedding
This is sage advice. The way to survive a big fat Indian wedding is to be a little on the tipsier side. You’ve always got car-o-bars, but it won’t hurt to go prepared. One sip and you’ve got your smile in place to dazzle any stranger or strange aunt.

8. When the cocktail menu is depressing
Sometimes you want to experiment with your drinks and you end up asking for the cocktail menu. The list is long, depressing and confusing. Let’s just say that the names and flavours are stressful. Change the plan and order wine. The fragrance and colour always feel like a familiar friend.

There’s a reason why we thank god for Fridays. Bring in the weekend with your favourite people and favourite wine. This is the recipe for #NoFilter Instagram selfies and fun times.

10. Long flights
Some destinations take longer to arrive at. If you’re traveling for work or pleasure, wine gets us through all the long journeys up in the air.

Finally, to admit, wine is a reason in itself. You know those moments where you just feel like having wine? Yes, we’re talking about those.

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